After beating cancer, the legendary Damo Suzuki, former singer of krautrock band Can,  embarks on his first ever China tour. “Coming home after 3000 years” says the Japan-born rock shaman.

Last October, Subtropical Asia was invited by DAFU records to make a documentary about Damo’s China tour.During the production process, everytime we listened the dialogue with Damo or recalled every detail of getting along with him, we would feel a strong inspiration——we realized that it’s not a documentary only related to the tour only,it also tells the personal philosophy and lifestyle of Damo Suzuki,a cosmopolitan which has traveled 50 years around the world.So we would say it’s a documentary about new beginnings, creative independence and the magic of being in the present.

在两次成功战胜癌症后,CAN乐队前任主唱、Krautrock传奇音乐人Damo Suzuki开启了他的首次中国巡演——“我感觉就像回家了一样,回到一个我两三千年前生活过的地方。”这位日本出生的摇滚巫师如此形容他2018年的中国之旅。

去年十月,Subtropical Asia亚热团队受大福唱片之邀,荣幸跟拍了Damo 的这次中国巡演。影片制作过程中,每每重听与Damo的深度对话、细品与他相处的细节,都会感受到强烈的启发——我们意识到,这并不会是一部简单的仅跟巡演有关的纪录片,它还讲述了Damo Suzuki这个全球游历50载的世界主义者的个人哲学和生活方式,倒不如说,这会是一部关于新的旅程、独立创造性与活在当下相关的纪录片。

Trailer 预告片:

World Premiere 

April 14th @ AOTU SPACE (Beijing) 

Screening + Impromptu Performance 

April 15th – Online World Premiere 




做全球首映 + 即兴演出



 Damo Suzuki 

Kenji “Damo” Suzuki, formerly known as Suzuki Kenji, began his journey at the age of 18, as he wandered all across Europe, performing on the streets to make a living. It was there on a street in Munich where he was discovered and invited to join the band CAN, becoming a rare oriental face in the Germany Krautrock scene. After working with CAN for four years where he took part in recording three and a half albums, he quit the band and abruptly disappeared from the music scene for nearly a decade. In 1983, after defeating cancer for the first time, Damo, reemerged on the music scene. Never going to the studio and only performing live, every performance of his was improvised – made completely in the moment. After 1997, he extended this concept to what he called the “Damo Suzuki Network” – improvisation with different ‘sound carriers’ at each show. Over the years, Damo Suzuki has taken his improvisational musical voyage as an opportunity to continue his journey around the world.

Kenji “Damo” Suzuki 原名铃木健二,十八岁开始流浪,走遍欧洲,一路上靠街头卖艺为生。在慕尼黑街头机缘巧合下加入CAN乐队,成为了当年Krautrock场景里罕见的东方面孔。在与CAN乐队合作四年里,Damo参与录制了三张半专辑,而后退出乐队,突然从音乐场景中消失了10年。1983年,首次战胜癌症之后,重回音乐圈的Damo不进录音室,只做现场演出和现场录音即兴演出,不演奏固定的曲目。1997年以后,他将这种理念拓展至一种新的形式 Damo Suzuki Network ——每次演出都和不同的当地乐手( Sound Carrier )即兴。这些年来,Damo Suzuki以即兴音乐演出为契机,践行着全球旅行的生活方式。