by SubtropicalAsia | Apr 20, 2020 | the lock in artists
At this moment, billions of people are staying at home to escape COVID-19. What will the world be like? How do we respond to uncertainty and change? Everyone has their own answer. Subtropical Asia’s special project, #thelockinartists#, will focus on our artist...
by SubtropicalAsia | Apr 17, 2020 | CULTURE&ART, News, Videos
Last winter, we became friends with the Indonesian DJ-Duo Gabber Modus Operandi. In Jakarta, we experienced their crazy live shows, in Bali we had traditional food together and talked a lot about cultural identities in the age of Globalization. We also witnessed...
by SubtropicalAsia | Apr 13, 2020 | CULTURE&ART
Teletubbies tied up with iron chains and penises perturbing from Doraemon’s eyes? These are some of the mask pieces by Bali-based artist Pinkygurl. Her inspiration comes from the popular symbols that millennials are familiar with, but instead of presenting a...
by SubtropicalAsia | Mar 25, 2020 | CULTURE&ART, Videos
<Rebel Riders>, is a film by Dutch cinematographer Marc Aziz Ressang, who has been living in Asia for 8 years. It’s a documentary about Vespa Ekstrim, an Indonesian community where people share their love of modifying their Vespas into outlandish novel hybrid...